Green Cat Care

Expert Veterinary Care for Your Feline Friend

Welcome to Green Cat Care

Green Cat Care, Greenwood’s premier cat care clinic, where we specialize in providing compassionate, high-quality veterinary services exclusively for cats. Explore our range of services, meet our team, and discover why we’re the perfect choice for your cat’s health and well-being.

At Green Cat Care, nestled in the heart of Greenwood, we’re dedicated to providing your feline friends with compassionate, expert care. Our clinic, exclusively focused on cats, ensures a stress-free environment for your pets, supported by a team of experienced veterinarians and state-of-the-art facilities.

Discover our comprehensive range of services tailored specifically for your cats:

Wellness Exams

Keeping your cat healthy at every stage of life.


Essential protection against common feline diseases.

Dental Care

Comprehensive dental assessments and treatments.

Emergency Services

Prompt, expert care when your cat needs it most.

Explore these and more to ensure your cat enjoys a long, happy life.

Why Choose Us?

Green Cat Care stands out for many reasons:

  • Specialized Feline Care: Our clinic is designed with cats in mind, ensuring a calm and safe environment.
  • Experienced Veterinarians: Our team brings years of dedicated feline veterinary experience.
  • Modern Facilities: From diagnostics to treatment, we utilize the latest in veterinary technology.

Hear from Our Happy Clients

“Our beloved kitty received the best care at Green Cat Care. The staff’s genuine love for cats is evident, and their expertise gave us peace of mind.”

Satisfied Cat Owner

“I was incredibly impressed with the level of care and attention my senior cat received at Green Cat Care. The team not only addressed her immediate health concerns but also provided a comprehensive plan to manage her chronic conditions. It’s clear they truly understand and love cats.”

Hannah Z.

“The moment you walk into Green Cat Care, you feel the difference. The calm atmosphere helped soothe my anxious kitty, and the staff were so patient and gentle with him. It’s comforting to know there’s a place that cares for cats with such dedication and understanding.”

Carlos M.

“After a stressful visit to a non-specialized vet, switching to Green Cat Care was a game-changer for us. Their expertise in feline behavior and health made all the difference. My cat, who usually hates vet visits, was surprisingly at ease. Thank you for making vet visits a positive experience for both of us!”

Rebecca G.

Ready to Schedule an Appointment?

Ensure your cat’s health and well-being with our expert care. Book an Appointment today or Contact Us for more information.